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Sunday, Sep 22, 2024

Marisa Edmondson '20 in Paonia, Colorado

<span class="photocreditinline">MARISA EDMONDSON</span><br />A view from the mountain biking trails near my house.
A view from the mountain biking trails near my house.

Like most seniors, having to leave school two months before graduation was really hard. I had so many things and final college experiences I was looking forward to. As a senior athlete, I missed out on my senior season of track, NESCACs and our San Diego spring break trip. This was especially hard because I missed all of my junior year season because of injuries. I was looking forward to senior week, days spent at Dunmore and making memories with my friends. I miss my friends, my house, my teammates, my classmates and my professors. I’ve been isolating at home alone and I really miss human interaction with people my age. Also, as a senior it’s been scary leaving college and going into an unstable economy. Most of the places I have applied to have suspended their hiring process due to the pandemic.

What has been your greatest worry or day-to-day concern as coronavirus has spread?

I have severe asthma and so I’m really at risk of getting very sick if I get the virus. My biggest worry is getting sick and needing to go on a ventilator. My small town not having the medial infrastructure to deal with a massive outbreak. I don’t want to get sick and be separated from my loved ones and potentially die alone on a ventilator.

What has made you happy over the past few weeks?

I have been doing a lot of single-track mountain biking on the trails near my house. I like whipping down the hills; the trails remind me a little bit of Rikert, which is my favorite place to go at Middlebury when I get stressed. I also have been doing a lot of virtual happy hours with my friends and teammates. In between all that, I've been sewing masks for our local hospital which has kept me busy and gives me a feeling of purpose again.

Submitted April 9, 2020.
