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Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025

Student Extends Apology to Community

I would like to express my deepest apologies for my actions at the halftime intermission at the Middlebury football game Saturday. These actions not only hurt my integrity but that of the school as well, both of which I hold in the highest regard. I'm sure the entire College community, alumni, families and those rooting for Trinity wanted to make the Homecoming Weekend a memorable experience, and I apologize again for infringing upon the enjoyment that the special event annually offers to everybody.

Before this weekend's occurrences, I had always thought of honor as just a signature on a test or not lying. But now it means more to me. One's honor and character are influenced by every physical, mental and verbal action that they make. Honor is more difficult to obtain than lose.

I am also disappointed that my actions took away from the excitement of victory for many of my closest friends, who are members of the football team. I am sorry for the inconvenience that I have caused those parents who have to explain my actions to their children. In a performance by a student, everyone in attendance deserved better. If I could take back my actions, I would, but I can't now. All I can do is learn from this experience and express to you how seriously and truthfully sorry I am.

