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Saturday, Sep 7, 2024

Talented First-years Bolster Ambitious Men's Tennis Team

Author: David Lindholm

The Middlebury men's tennis team has high hopes for this season, and with a deep, young squad they are poised for success. The team has been working hard in the offseason and now looks to start this campaign on a high note, squaring off on Wednesday against the University of Vermont. With three first-years in the top six, and only one senior on the squad, this team is composed of an interesting mix of players.

Last spring, the team finished with an even six win, six loss season and a seventh place finish out of 11 in the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) tournament. This year the team is hoping to improve, having put in much time over the winter. A specific goal this year is to qualify for the National Championships.

"The team is shaping up really well," says co-captain Matt Dougherty '02. "There's a lot of competition in and for the top six." While it may be in flux as the season goes on, the top six for Wednesday's UVM match is the following: Justin Ingoglia '05 at one, co-captain Steve Hulce '03 at two, Dougherty playing three, Andrew Jacobi '05 at four, Stuart Brown '04 at five, and Alex Meditz '05 playing six. For doubles, the two captains will make up the number one pairing, Ingoglia will mix with Brown at two and Jacobi and Rick Jamgochian '03 will be together at three. The team may change for the match on Saturday against Bates, which should be one of the bigger matches of the year for the Panthers.

Dougherty has noticed improvement from last season in the team, especially in terms of strength and fitness. "The guys spent a lot of time working in the offseason, in the weight room and on the courts. I think we'll be stronger in the third set." That late charge is especially important, as close matches are almost always decided with many players going to three sets.

After the two matches this week, the team then heads to sunny Hilton Head, S.C. for Sarch Break. Their vacation won't consist of relaxing on the beach, as the team will play six matches in five days, facing off against Carleton, DePauw, Elmhurst, and St. Olaf Colleges, as well as Salisbury and Niagra Universities. Upon their return from this trip, the Panthers will play all NESCAC foes and Skidmore. The season, in total, will be 15 matches.

As for going to the Nationals, Dougherty is optimistic as to their chances. "It's a big goal, but an attainable one, I think," he says. "The top three teams in NESCAC usually go, and I think we can do that." The co-captain has also circled three dates on his calendar: March 16, April 13 and April 20, when the team will battle Bates, Bowdoin and Amherst, respectively. The Amherst match is especially big, as the Panthers look to avenge last season's disappointing 4-3 loss.

Off the court, the team is lead by Head Coach David Schwartz. He is in his second year at the helm of the squad, and his new recruits have already brightened up the team. Before Middlebury, Schwartz was an assistant coach at Cornell, where, in 2000, he was named Division I Northeast Region Assistant Coach of the Year.

On the whole the future looks bright for this year's men's tennis team. Now it is in the players hands to realize their potential and fight to attain the goals they set for themselves. They start against UVM this afternoon.
