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Saturday, Sep 7, 2024

SPiN Trail, Education Programs Need Help

Author: Leah Koenig

As a Middlebury student and a nature enthusiast, I am writing on behalf of the Spirit in Nature organization( and in support of environmental education legislation. Founded in 1998, the Spirit in Nature (SPiN) hiking paths rest in the foothills of Vermont's Green Mountain National Forest. The paths provide visitors with a haven of natural beauty and diverse spiritual insight.
Most importantly, Spirit in Nature is dedicated to environmental education, and organizes several educational programs in addition to maintaining the paths. To quote SPiN's mission statement, "The focal point of SPiN's mission is to educate the community about the environment through the vehicle of traditional religions."
Organizations like Spirit in Nature provide crucial environmental education resources for Vermonters. However, their work alone cannot guarantee equal environmental education benefits for all Vermont citizens. Last year, the state of Minnesota pioneered a law that outlined Minnesota's environmental education goals and plans. This law ensues that all Minnesota citizens receive fundamental understanding of ecological systems and environmental issues.
The Minnesota statute calls for the construction of several environmental resource centers to ensure that, "Pupils and citizens shall have access to information and experiences needed to make informed decisions about actions to take on environmental issues." Using Minnesota's plan as a model, Vermont must pass legislation concerning the funding and implementation of environmental education programs for adults and children.
U.S. Senators Jim Jeffords (I-Vt.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) hold both education and the environment among their top priorities. Please contact Sens. Jeffords and Leahy to thank them for their concern about the environment. Encourage them to initiate and support legislation promoting the advancement of environmental education in Vermont.
Only the combined efforts of organizations like Spirit in Nature in conjunction with statewide environmental education programs can ensure that all Vermonters have equal opportunities to participate in environmental education.
If you are interested in signing a specific letter advocating environmental education in Vermont, there will be a letter signing day at the Spirit in Nature trail on May 3, 2003 at 12:00 p.m. Directions to get to the trails from Route 7 are to take 125 East and then turn right on Goshen Road.

Leah Koenig is an
environmental studies major from Chicago, Ill.
