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Thursday, Mar 6, 2025

A Capella Groups Delight Masses with a Musical Snack

Author: Chris Grosso

Amid our frenzied and hectic daily lives, it's moving that we can put some time aside - even during midterms - to enjoy the performing arts and support our talented friends. On the eve of mid-term break, it was delightful to see the amphitheatre in front of the Gamut Room filled to capacity.

The melodies of two of Middlebury's a capella groups lightened the anxious atmosphere that usually pervades the campus before recess. Stuck in the Middle (SIM) and the Mischords serenaded over 100 students with their appealing voices and playful antics.

Adapting to the architecture perfectly, the a capella groups performed under the entrance to the Gamut Room. Students packed into the circular arena and some were even forced to stand behind the last row. The ancient temple-like frontage and the artificial lighting created a very theatrical effect. The entire scene was reminiscent of an ancient Roman affair in both purpose and appearance. Just as the Roman citizens witnessed theater as a diversion from the mishaps of their government, the concert relieved weary students from work.

As usual SIM wonderfully entertained its fans with a bunch of songs from its repertoire. The 30-minute display of creativity included, one of my favorites, Sister Hazel's "A Beautiful Thing," along with "Again" by Lenny Kravitz, and the classic "St. Robinson's Tree." Clearly the audience would agree that the finale was one of the highlights. The "Enormous Penis Song" by DaVinci's Notebook, caused a commotion as the group had its fans hysterically laughing.

The Mischords complemented the all-male group nicely. They charmed the audience with their lovely voices and elegant presence. Especially enjoyable was their cover of "Sexual Healing." Very skillfully, the group combined sensuality and a bit of humor into the reggae tune. They also sang "Passionate Kisses" by Mary Chapin Carpenter. The sweet song was soothing to hear. At one point during the performance, a member selected a young man in the front row and borrowed his baseball cap. Unfortunately the lucky fan never gave the lady the passionate kiss that the song was describing.

The two groups who organized the show deserve priase. The intimacy and cheeriness of the brief study break was heart-warming. The auditory treat was just what was needed to relax after a tough week and a half of papers and exams. And as evident by the crowd, we all craved the musical snack.
