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Saturday, Sep 14, 2024

A Challenge to Alums

Author: Benjamin Morris '03.5

Every autumn U.S. News and World Report releases its "America's Best Colleges" rankings, and Middlebury earned seventh place in this year's "Liberal Arts Colleges-Bachelor's" category. In President McCardell's words, "If such a list is to exist, I'd rather be on it than not." Proud Midd-kid that I am, I dare to strengthen this assertion - if there is going to be a list, then it would be best for us to claim the coveted number one.

Whether or not you are aware of this fact, there is something that alumni can do to improve our rank in coming years. Namely, you can improve the College's "Alumni Giving Rate," a quantitative, indirect measure of alumni satisfaction that U.S. News weights at five percent in determining the rank. Historically, Middlebury has lagged behind its peers in this category. Were you not "satisfied" with your Middlebury undergraduate experience? I am confident that this is not the case for the vast majority of our graduates. Nevertheless, only a pitiful 45 percent of Midd Alums contributed to the College's "Annual Fund" in the 2003 fiscal year.

The actual amount contributed each year by a donor is not considered in determining an institution's "Alumni Giving Rate" so there is truly no excuse for "satisfied" alumni who fail to donate. Give $1 annually, if this is all that you can afford. The point is that you should be giving something each year.

The Office of Annual Giving even has a "Direct Payment Plan" that can make regular charges on your credit card or regular deductions from your checking or savings account. Making an annual contribution to the College could not be any easier.

Alumni, you received an elite education from Middlebury College. It has become nothing less than your responsibility to assist the students following in your footsteps by making an annual contribution to your alma mater.

When it comes to the ranking of academic institutions, such as that which appears in U.S. News and World Report, we students are doing our part by continuously improving Middlebury's academic averages. We are increasing the value of your Middlebury College diploma with each and every incoming first-year class. Now, the time has come for you to improve your statistics. Please, sign-up for the Office of Annual Giving's "Direct Payment Plan."
