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Thursday, Nov 28, 2024

MiddBriefs LaForce Hall is falling down

Author: Sarah Black

Facilities unsure why LaForce is falling apart

Facilities Services has erected temporary canopies over the entrances to LaForce hall to protect building occupants from stones that have been falling from the building facade while they attempt to figure out why the stones are loose.

"An engineering firm with a specialization in forensic engineering has completed a detailed investigation," Project Manager Thomas McGinn said, "and their report will be forthcoming shortly."

Precautionary measures have been taken to prevent further injury to the building and its inhabitants, such as the canopies erected over the College Street and Courtyard entrances. According to McGinn, once more is understood about the problem, Facilities Services will be able to take more direct action.

"Once the scope and cause of the problem is understood," McGinn said, "a comprehensive plan will be developed."

He said that repairs would be made over the summer in order to minimize impact on students and faculty.

"After Commencement and before the start of the Language Schools," McGinn said, "a repair will be made to a localized area of the facade."

Phone numbers no longer tied to students

The dormitory telephone extension system will now keep numbers attached to residence hall rooms rather than assign students one number throughout their time at the College, according to a March 28 all-student e-mail. The change will streamline emergency communication and take advantage of adjustments to BannerWeb, said Manager of Telecommunications Services Peggy Fischel.

"Banner is tailor-made to include a telephone number in the dorm room and great accommodations were required to continue with the practice of individual extensions following the student," Fischel said. "Since it is an administrative burden to keep the extension assigned to the students both in Banner and for daily updates to our 911 system, we felt it was worth re-visiting the idea."

Through student surveys and statistical evidence, the Library and Information Services decided that this change would be for the better and that with the widespread use of cell phones the system is becoming less and less central to campus communications. Fischel also said that there may be more changes to the telephone system in the future.

"When another dorm is built we will have to reconsider what kind of service to provide," Fischel said. "It depends on what technology is available, what the students would use, and cost considerations."
