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Thursday, Mar 6, 2025

9 p.m. do you know where your food is?

Dear Campus,

I rarely get homesick. However, if there’s one instance when I really miss Mommy it’s when I’ve got the flu. If there are two instances when I really miss Mommy they are when I’ve got the flu and when I’m really, really hungry. Last night I was perfectly healthy, but boy did I miss Mommy.

Yesterday, I got back to campus after a weekend away at around 9:15 p.m. I had eaten on the road around 5 p.m. I was starting to get hungry, and I was very excited about using my odd schedule as an excuse to enjoy a Love Me Tender, my go-to meal at The Grille. Needless to say, I was quite dismayed when I was warned that the Grille was no longer open on Sundays.

At about 9:45 p.m., I was sure that it was too late, and that I was starting to slip into delirium. As a particularly strong-willed individual, I fought through the pain and decided to explore my other options. As it turns out, there are no other options.  Literally nothing is open on Sundays at 9:45p.m. The Grille is closed, MiddXpress is closed and even Wilson Café is closed.  For drivers, Hannaford and Shaw’s both close at 9 p.m.  Some Midd students would get lost looking for the organic garden, but they are definitely aware of the fact that McDonald’s has recently closed for renovations.

In a town as remote as Middlebury, students rely on the College to provide a multitude of services. For all three of Middlebury’s non-dining hall eating options (The Grille, MiddXpress and Wilson Café) to be closed every Sunday is, frankly, absurd. My classmates and I truly understand that the recession has forced to us to make concessions, but let’s be wise about these concessions.
I suggest the College staggers these three services’ closing times. Close one on Fridays, one on Saturdays and one on Sundays. MiddXpress, which is generally staffed by just one student, should be open on Sunday evenings, even if that means it’s closed on Wednesdays. (MiddXpress: if you’re hiring someone for Sunday evenings, my six Grille meals a week habit is very expensive.)
Anyway, a silly one-liner to end on: teachers give us food for thought, but it’s more important that we have real food.  Sunday nights are prime studying nights, and a well-nourished student is a good student. Don’t leave us out to starve, Midd.

Charlie Roberts ’11.5
