During the regular school year, our dining staff cooks us delicious meals, so we wanted to see what they’re cooking at home these days.
This is the second in The Campus’ series of recipes from home, sent in from Middlebury College Dining Staff. We welcome submissions! Please send recipes and questions to npeachin@middlebury.edu.
Dear Nora,
I have been baking sourdough biweekly now. I have been working with recipes out of Vanessa Kimbell’s “The Sourdough School.” I highly recommend this very informative book, to be part of anyone’s library on home bread baking!
Well. I have always been fascinated with baking; I enjoy mixing different types of doughs, primarily sourdoughs and enjoy fermentation. Been using this recipe: https://www.sourdough.co.uk/a-basic-sourdough-recipe/
One of my favorite pastimes is to read and compare different recipes from a variety of different chefs and cooks. There is so much information available; it can be daunting at times, you just need to find your niche and roll with it.
Cooking in my kitchen is a bit of a challenge; not spacious, like the kitchens on campus. It is different having to cook more; since having to spend time at home, free time to brush up on techniques and learning new ones. Just ordered: "Koji Alchemy: Rediscovering the Magic of Mold-Based Fermentation" by Jeremy Umansky, cannot wait to dive in and work with Koji.
Keep well, Keep safe.
Starrin Ricupero