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Friday, Mar 28, 2025

An Interview with Midd’s littlest student

<p>Little Man is Midd&#x27;s newest — and smallest — student. He believes that even the smallest of people can make the biggest differences. (Courtesy of Maggie Blake)</p>

Little Man is Midd's newest — and smallest — student. He believes that even the smallest of people can make the biggest differences. (Courtesy of Maggie Blake)

If you aren’t yet acquainted with Little Man (@littlemanoncampus) then you’re missing out. Perhaps he could be considered part of the incoming class of Febs, but it is certain that he has taken the campus by storm (or should we say squall). During this past weekend’s Winter Carnival, our smallest ceramic student took over Middlebury’s official Instagram account. Maybe you have no idea who or what Little Man is, or maybe you just want to learn more about him, but either way, read on for a personal interview with the figurine of the moment and a look behind the curtains at his creators. 

Interview with Little Man

Campus: How does it feel to be a star on campus? How did you come to be one?

Little Man: I’m going to turn that question right back around to YOU! You’re a star, we all are. We all shine on this campus. I’m humbled and honored to be able to share my love on this campus and so glad it resonates with this many people. To answer your second question, I think it’s karma. When you put joy and love out into the world it comes back. 

C: You go by the name Little Man. What is the significance of the emphasis on your littleness? How does it contribute to your message?

LM: The emphasis on my littleness comes from embracing the reason you stand out. And even the smallest of people can make the biggest of differences. 

C: Where is your favorite spot on campus?

LM: I love the Knoll! Connecting with nature is so freeing, and I love admiring the beauty of the world — whether through the mountains, the flowers or the people. Beauty comes in all different forms, and it never looks the same, and at the Knoll there’s always something new to find beautiful. 

Little Man 2 — Courtesy Maggie Blake.heic

After becoming a social media sensation, Little Man took over the college's official instagram account to spread positivity during Winter Carnival. (Courtesy of Maggie Blake '24)

C: Tell me a little bit about your travels around the world! I understand you made some new friends. Do you plan on finding other little friends around campus?

LM: It was a treat to meet some lovely little fellows who were visiting the Study Abroad Office from around the world! I like to think that everyone is my friend, and I just haven’t met them yet, so I can’t wait to be introduced to everyone on campus and elsewhere. Although I haven’t left the country yet, I will be studying abroad this summer and next spring so you’ll have to hear more about that on @littlemanoncampus when the time comes!

C: You are very supportive of your followers. Are you able to give yourself that same support and acceptance? Who inspires you? 

LM: Thank you for asking that! It’s an important question because I think it can always be easier to be kind to others than to yourself. We’re often more critical of ourselves than of the people around us, but I really try to show myself that same kind of love even though it’s difficult sometimes. It’s just so important to value and love yourself, but it’s just as essential to recognize how hard that can be sometimes! I love myself, and it will be a continuous process to keep making sure I remember that! 

I don’t want to say I have one single inspiration, because people are constantly surprising and inspiring me. I also surprise and inspire myself, and am so happy to be able to grow and learn from myself and all those around me. 

C: What are a few of your favorite interests? 

LM: I love sitting politely more than anything else! Besides that, I’m a big fan of woodworking, collecting hats, modeling, making friends and sharing my thoughts with the world! 

C: How was your first Winter Carnival?

LM: It was fantastic! I had so much fun and I enjoyed getting to know a new side of Middlebury! 

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C: Do you have any wisdom for us today?

LM: Don’t be afraid to change and grow! Taking on new challenges can be scary, but you all possess everything you need to tackle them. The world is your oyster, and I can’t wait to see what you take on!


Now, some background on the women behind the little man. Aine Powers ’24 and Maggie Blake ’24 were playing with clay one day at Ceramics Club when the idea for Little Man molded its way into Aine’s hands. 

“The clay seemed to guide me into making him and Maggie sensed he needed a chair to sit upon so she made him one. When we finally did have him in front of us, we could just tell he had a story to tell and that grew into what he is today,” Powers said. For her, his existence is a reminder of the beauty in the little things. For Blake, Little Man’s joy and love is inspiring. 

Little Man’s Instagram takeover showed Powers and Blake that Little Man was no longer just special to them and their friends. “It’s really funny to hear people mention him and not necessarily know us. When we posted a picture of him on the bus to the Snow Bowl during our takeover of the Middlebury account we heard someone say ‘Little Man is on our bus!’ after they saw it. which we loved,” the two said. 

In addition to being well-received on campus, their posts have garnered attention from Blundstone USA’s official Instagram account. Blake is Little Man’s official photographer, but he is far from her first subject. 

“I’ve been doing photography for a while as a hobby and as a little business, and obviously Little Man is the perfect muse,” Blake said. Check out her photography page

“Making [Little Man] brought us so much joy and just the idea of this simple little polite guy who can politely sit anywhere making his mark on the world really fuels his existence further,” Powers and Blake said. The two creators would love for Little Man to spread his message to even more people, and he’s even pursuing a relevant academic path; Little Man designed his own Independent Scholar major: Kindness with a concentration in Politeness.

Summer Hornbostel

Summer Hornbostel '22 is an Arts & Culture editor.

Hornbostel started writing for the Campus last year but will now  focus her energy into her new role as editor. She is majoring in English  and writing a collection of poetry for her thesis this fall. In the  summer of 2021, she worked as a music journalist for an online  publication called The Garnette Report where she covered stories on  rising musical artists.
