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Monday, Sep 16, 2024

A Chat with Ben Golnik '00, Executive Director of the Vermont GOP

Author: Peter Faroni

The Middlebury Campus: Since your graduation from Middlebury in 2000, what has been your experience with the transition from the "Middlebury bubble" to the "real world"?
Golnik: Obviously, it's quite a change going from a small, private liberal arts college in rural Vermont to the real world with greater responsibilities in a new environment. I feel fortunate that I was able to meet so many unique people during my time at Middlebury and developed some great relationships. During my short time in the real world I have seen the need to forge close relationships with a variety of people, in and outside of the workplace.
The Campus: What has your post-graduate life been like and how have your education and experiences at Middlebury contributed to what you have done since graduation?
Golnik: After graduation, I received a Fellowship through the State Department to study in Russia (I had spent my junior year abroad at Middlebury schools in Voronezh and Moscow). After I returned from Russia, I began working in Washington, D.C., for a US Senator. I was a legislative aide and many of my responsibilities involved writing - from constituent response letters to decisional memorandums about current legislation. In my initial interview, I was given a two-part 'writing test.' I believe the emphasis on writing at Middlebury helped to prepare me for that job.
The Campus: How long have you been working as the Director of the Vermont GOP?
Golnik: My first day as Executive Director of the Vermont GOP was March 3, 2003.
The Campus: How did your experiences at Middlebury mold your perception of the political system?
Golnik: I was active with local and state political campaigns while at Middlebury. Much of this work was at the grassroots level, walking door-to-door and distributing campaign literature. I took numerous political science classes and became moderately familiar with political theories and concepts. My year abroad in Russia was invaluable, as I was there during a very volatile period - the ruble had been devalued weeks before I arrived in August 1998 and there was a great amount of anti-American sentiment when the United States began its campaign in Kosovo in the spring of 1999.
The Campus: What are the objectives of the Vermont GOP at the state level? At the national level?
Golnik: I would like to maintain the momentum that the Vermont Republican Party has achieved after the successful statewide campaigns in November 2002. For the first time in twelve years, Vermont has a Republican governor and for the first time in over twenty years, a Republican governor and lieutenant governor in office at the same time. I believe this places the GOP in a great position to increase interest in the political system and the Republican Party. I think it's important that more young people become engaged in political dialogue; I see increased participation as one of my goals as the year progresses. At Middlebury, Drew Pugsley '04 has been very active for the College Republicans and is now Chair of the Vermont College Republicans. His hard work is an example of leadership that is necessary for the continued growth of the Republican Party in Vermont.
The Campus: How is the Vermont GOP organized and how does this organization help to bring about the desired objectives of the Republican Party?
Golnik: There is an Executive Committee that includes the party chair, vice chair, treasurer, secretary, national committee persons, the finance chair, and a few others. Additionally, there is a County Chairman's Council, with one representative from each of Vermont's fourteen counties. These groups meet periodically in Montpelier to discuss goals for the Republican Party. Every three months, there is a State Committee meeting when over 100 representatives from towns throughout Vermont meet in Montpelier. It is important to obtain the views and advice from a diverse group of people from all parts of the state.
The Campus: What are you responsible for as the Director of the Vermont GOP?
Golnik: Basically, I am responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Vermont Republican Party, [as stated in] the Rules of the State Committee, "The Executive Director shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the State Committee, and shall be responsible for the overall administration of the Vermont Republican Party. That person shall be appointed by the chairman with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, report directly to the chairman, and carry out the policies of the executive committee as directed by the chairman."
The executive director's responsibilities may include the full range of activities of the Vermont Republican Party, including implementation of policies established by the State Committee or Executive Committee, organizational structure and procedures, motivation of volunteers, income and expenditures, maintenance of membership, employment, supervision and training of staff, interpretation of policy, maintenance of Party quarters, and such other duties as are delegated to such person. "
The Campus: As Director of the Vermont GOP, are you involved primarily at state or national levels, and what divisions of these respective levels of government do you work with?
Golnik: I am a liaison of sorts for the Republican National Committee (RNC) in Washington, D.C. The RNC offers workshops in Washington dealing with various issues, such as campaign finance laws. Additionally, the RNC hosts regional and national meetings for the State Republican Chairmen and Executive Directors.
The Campus: What has been your experience with Gov. James Douglas '72?
Golnik: I first met Governor Douglas as an undergraduate at Middlebury. One of my Russian language professors taught him while he was enrolled at Middlebury. Additionally, Governor Douglas was active at WRMC. I was the co-Sports Director (announced football and basketball games) and helped create a political talk show at the radio station.
I worked with several of the governor's current staff members during the campaign last year. I hope to continue the positive relationship between the Vermont Republican Party and the governor and lieutenant governor's offices. Gov. Douglas' extensive service to the State of Vermont over the past 30 years is very impressive.
The Campus: Finally, is there anything else on which you would like to comment?
Golnik: As I mentioned earlier, I think it's important for young people to become engaged in the political process - no matter what your political leanings may be. If you would like to learn more about the Vermont Republican Party, please visit our website at In addition, we are hosting a fundraiser in honor of Gov. Douglas and Lieutenant Gov. Dubie on Wed., March 26, in Montpelier at the Capitol Plaza Hotel.
