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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A new challenge


Honorable Trustees, President Liebowitz, and Middlebury College:

As energy prices soar, tuition costs rise, and the climate crisis looms, we students are determined to realize a monumental and unprecedented goal: a carbon neutral Middlebury College. This means that the College will reduce its net emissions of greenhouse gases to zero.

Carbon neutrality will be achieved by improving energy efficiency, switching to sustainable energy sources, and purchasing carbon offsets. As the leading institution in environmental education, Middlebury College is well poised to accomplish this milestone.

With the creation of the Environmental Studies major in 1965, Middlebury established itself as a national leader in environmental education. The achievement of carbon neutrality will reaffirm Middlebury's role as an environmental leader and strengthen its proud tradition. It is time that Middlebury begins to translate its emphasis on environmental education into significant environmental action.

The College has already taken steps toward greenhouse gas reduction. The 2-degrees campaign and the ICICLE contest have saved energy and money while educating the campus on efficient energy use. The College is considering replacing oil furnaces with bio-fuel. The installation of the wind turbine symbolizes the direction that Middlebury can and must pursue. However, merely reducing our carbon emissions is not enough. It is time to eliminate the College's carbon footprint entirely.

Carbon neutrality is not only a pragmatic, cost-effective, and environmentally-sound solution, but would also be a manifestation of the core values of our institution.

The College's commitment to environmentally-sound policy and its dedication to transform these values into action shows that Middlebury is an ideal place for this campaign to succeed. Carbon neutrality is not only a responsible and realistically achievable goal, but also represents a landmark in the global fight against climate change.

As the 2005-2006 academic year draws to an end, it is time to reflect upon past accomplishments and consider the future of our institution and of our world. In the coming academic year, the Sunday Night Group will make carbon-neutrality a focal point of our efforts. Climate change is the challenge of our generation, and it is imperative that we make a stand.
