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Friday, Oct 18, 2024

Onward: How The Campus is continuing its coverage

<span class="photocreditinline"><a href="">SARAH FAGAN</a></span>

We had three Covid-19-related stories on the docket a week and a half ago. Now, it’s hard to think about — and report on — almost anything else.

A lot has changed since then. We’ve since shared goodbyes, packed up our commons-office-provided boxes and dispersed around the world.  Some watched their friends leave, unable to return to their own homes themselves. Some of us worried about work-study; others grappled with food insecurity. 

As the dust settles, so many questions linger: What will online classes look like?  What are the implications of the suspension for the town of Middlebury? Will the college provide its staff with financial security as operations come to a grinding halt?

The Campus is committed to continuing our investigation into these questions — and the coverage of the diverse narratives of our greater Middlebury community.  Amid the ambiguity and uncertainty of current events, we want to provide a sense of clarity. And during a time when we are the furthest apart physically, we want to be a platform that helps Middlebury stay connected.

What can you expect from us?

The show must go on. The Campus will continue its coverage remotely, online. We will publish stories as they are ready this and next week, and will re-assume regular Thursday coverage on April 2, the first Thursday after spring break. 

Our weekly newsletter will also highlight the key stories from the week, so don’t forget to sign up for it here. That newsletter will start back up on April 2 as well.

We see ourselves as a forum to amplify voices that can no longer chat around dining hall tables, greet each other between classes and convene at local coffee shops and teahouses in town.  As we scatter geographically, we want to explore what remoteness means for the different members of our community.

This is work we cannot do alone. Here are some ways to get involved:

  1. Help us with coverage: Let us know if you’re interested in joining our team of writers — no prior experience necessary and the commitment is flexible.

  2. Express your opinion: Tell us what you’re thinking by submitting an opinion piece or a letter to the editor.

  3. Keep us in the loop: Know something that’s going on or want us to explore a certain topic? Drop us a tip.

  4. Tell your story: We want to fill our (virtual) pages with stories from every corner of the now-dispersed Middlebury. Send us a short story about your experience, or email us if you’re interested in contributing regularly with tales from your living room couch, quarantined city or quiet dorm room. We will have prompts regularly for potential letters to the editor (200 words) and op-eds (800 words). This week’s prompt is about all the feels that came with last week’s announcement.

Our mission is to serve our readers and to reflect the goings-on and spirit of the college in this extraordinary time, so please stay in touch. We are looking forward to seeing you engage with — and participate in — our coverage this semester.
