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Saturday, Sep 14, 2024

Arts & Culture

The Setonian

Mae-Shi concert flops and flails

Author: Penny Chen Walking into Coltrane Lounge on Friday night, one would have been surprised by the people in the half-empty room attempting to dance to the ruckus created by several half-naked bodies on stage. The latter was a band called The Mae Shi.The Los Angeles quintet, although pleasing the ...

The Setonian

Refugees rock in all-star documentary

Author: Gabriel Broughton The Refugee All-Stars, the new documentary by Banker White '95 and Zach Niles '95.5, took Middlebury's audience into the volatile regions of Sierra Leone and the West-African nation of the Republic of Guinea last Saturday evening. Screened in Dana Auditorium, the film explored ...

The Setonian

Zoo opens season with no slight folly

Author: Ellen Grafton The pursuit of love and all its complications is a heavy matter indeed, but with this theme, the Hepburn Zoo season came to a light start last Thursday in the 10th annual first-year show, entitled "Slightest Folly." The production was directed by Visiting Assistant Professor of ...

The Setonian

Spotlight on...Jason Vrooman

Author: Melissa Marshall Jason Vrooman is a 2003 Middlebury graduate from Alexandria Bay, NY, currently pursuing a graduate degree in Art History at Williams College in Williamstown, Mass. He spends much of his time at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, the museum affiliated with Williams ...

The Setonian

Alumni of The Grift set the drift

Author: Penny Chen The modern-day music industry is plagued with one-dimensional artists. From Ricky Martin to the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Elliott Smith, this problem transgresses all genres. When was the last time you listened to an album where all 12 tracks did not sound like one continuous song? ...

The Setonian

Hubbard advocates green architecture

Author: Ellen Grafton On Oct. 19, Middlebury's History of Art and Architecture Department hosted the first event of its "Architecture &..." series. Architect and Sustainable Design Consultant Gunnar Hubbard gave the kick-off lecture entitled "Architecture & Remaking the Way We Make Things," ...

The Setonian

Art N' About

Author: JOYCE MAN By now, any news is old news if it contains the words "iPod" and "smaller version," but everyone from tech geeks to design pros to adolescent girls with rich daddies have not ceased to lavish attention on Apple's mp3 family members of ever-diminishing size and ever-ballooning specs. ...

The Setonian

WORD A Creative Writing Commentary

Author: ABIGAIL MITCHELL Last Tuesday, rainy and abysmal as it was, a crowd gathered in the seats of BiHall 216 to hear writer Tom Piazza read from his new book "Why New Orleans Matters." Born in Long Island, NY, Piazza is a graduate of both Williams College and the Iowa's Writers' Workshop. Currently ...

The Setonian


Author: ALISON LACIVITA "Emperor Tomato Ketchup" begins a new chapter in the Stereolab novel, one that relies less on the Krautrock-ian chug-and-drone of earlier material in favor of more varied forms of expression. The cocktail-kitsch vibe of the late '60s is more prevalent than ever. And although ...

The Setonian

Yuval Ron educates with harmony

Author: Alexxa Gotthardt On Oct. 18, the Yuval Ron Ensemble, led by world-music composer and oud-extraordinaire Yuval Ron, saturated Mead Chapel with a harmonious mélange of Middle-Eastern melodies. The group, with a mixture of music and musicians from many different and often dissonant Middle-Eastern ...

The Setonian

Pianists charm with rough grace

Author: Ian Thomas Fleishman Pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard was presented to the Middlebury Community with such high acclaim that the blatantly wrong notes towards the opening of his performance came as a particular shock. Nonetheless, his playing of the Mozart sonata was creative and insightful, sentimental ...

The Setonian

The Reel Critic

Author: GABE BROUGHTON Graphic artist Mike Mills' directorial debut is your classic late-summer coming of age story - sad, troubled teenage boy tossed around in a town of adults too confused by their own lives to help him sort out his own. Justin Cobb (Lou Pucci) is seventeen and still sucks his thumb, ...

The Setonian

Spotlight on...Amy Chavasse

Author: May Chan Amy Chavasse is a dance artist-in-residence who teaches dance regularly at Middlebury. She founded Chavasse Dance and Performance Company in 1995 and her work has been produced throughout the United States and Europe.The Middlebury Campus: You have studied dance extensively, taught ...

The Setonian

Mass. shows fine works en masse

Author: Joyce Man The works of master painters Degas, Monet, Rodin and Pissaro are housed in the most illustrious museums and highbrow collections in the world. Some of them rest among other famous canvases in the exclusive collections of the Musee d'Orsay, others repose in the grand halls of New York's ...

The Setonian

Yellow mural takes it to the next level

Author: Ellen Grafton On Saturday morning, President Ronald D. Liebowitz led the dedication of the new library mural by artist Matt Mullican. The 25- by-75-foot mural, entitled "L'Art d'Ecrire" (The Art of Writing), hangs in the foyer of the library directly across from the upper mezzanine, and has ...

The Setonian

WORD A creatice writing commentary

Author: ABIGAIL MITCHELL By the time he was 22 years old, Don Mitchell had already become a successful Hollywood screenwriter. Shortly after graduating from Swarthmore College, he owned two apartments in San Francisco and had two Porsches to shuttle himself back and forth between them. Mitchell is one ...

The Setonian

Art N' About

Author: ALEXXA GOTTHARDT What do you imagine when you think about Scandinavia? First, you think pure, rosy-cheeked, dirndl-clad milkmaids prancing down cobblestone paths in happy little clogs. Second, you think IKEA. Those are two very different images of Scandinavia, yet how diverse are they really? ...

The Setonian

Student reflects on Raab's poetry

Author: Justine Katzenbach "I'd like to begin with poems that relate to Middlebury and the seasons," poet Larry Raab said as listeners gather in the Ross Fireplace Lounge while he read a poem entitled, "Happiness." It is hard not to identify with the poetry of Larry Raab, not only because he so often ...

The Setonian


Author: Emily Temple Stars is yet another of Pitchfork's Canadian darlings, but don't let that turn you off. Like their friends and collaborators Broken Social Scene and Metric, these guys are actually good. I know Pitchfork slams Ben Folds. I know. They're crazy. I know. But sometimes they get it right."Set ...

The Setonian

Walkin' Jim Stoltz stops to talk

Author: Zachary Hecht-Leavitt Jim Stoltz is 11,750 feet high atop a cold, wind-blasted mountain summit and heading down. Forty yards of icy slope and a 100-foot drop stand between him and his goal, the snow basin. Hesitating, he kicks in his crampons. They only bite in an inch. Kick. Step. Kick. Step. ...