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Friday, Mar 28, 2025

Claire Abbadi

The Setonian

Looking Back, Moving Forward

In many ways, this year at Middlebury felt like occupying a community divided. Three different events this weekend com- posed an especially ironic display of Middlebury’s climate: Derby Day, a symposium entitled “Activists, Allies and Accomplices: Responses to Racism Today” and the Distinguished ...

The Setonian

Reframing the Conversation

Undoubtedly, the last few weeks have been shaped by campus wide discourse surrounding race, power, language and freedom of speech. We at The Campus have engaged in personal reflection both about our role as a microphone for student voices and on how Middlebury can become more inclusive. We take this ...


Patton’s Midyear Review: Laurie Talks First Months, Goals

The Middlebury Campus sat down with Laurie L. Patton to discuss her first few months at Middlebury as the College’s 17th president. In this profile, Patton discusses what has surprised her about Middlebury, what her first days were like after her appointment and what she hopes to focus on in the coming ...


Students Dismissed from Faculty Meeting

At the monthly plenary faculty meeting on Friday, Nov. 6, the faculty discussed proposed changes to the Cultures and Civilizations requirement and student participation in the Pass/D/Fail system, but when the conversation shifted to student stress, the faculty voted 45-33 to move into an executive session. Faculty ...

The Setonian

Fed. Reserve Official Gives Econ Lecture

On Thursday, Oct. 15, guest speaker Dr. Julie Hotchkiss presented a talk in Twilight Auditorium titled “Can We Really Believe Everything We Read About the U.S. Labor Market?” Her presentation came as a part of the D.K. Smith ’42 Economics Lecture series. The David K. Smith ’42 lecture series ...

The Setonian

The Human Side of the Editorial Board

The news article and corresponding editorial discussion of the alleged sexual assault case involving John Doe has been one of the most difficult topics I have had to write about during my time with the Campus, and not one I expected to cover just two weeks into my role as Editor-in-Chief. I am writing ...

The Setonian

College Sued by Student Expelled for Sexual Assault

On Jul. 24, 2015, a student was expelled from the College for an alleged sexual assault charge against a non-Middlebury student. The incident allegedly took place in the fall 2014 semester while the student was studying abroad through the School for International Training (SIT). The College is now being ...

The Setonian

Student Stress, Anxiety Sparks Conversation

A faculty meeting was held on Tuesday, April 28 to address heightened student stress as the semester comes to a close. Out of what some have called an “emergency meeting” emerged a community-wide conversation on short-term methods to mitigate anxiety and the acknowledgement that long-term goals ...

The Setonian

Students Discover Mutilated Dogs

On Saturday, April 11, two students from the College were fishing approximately 15 minutes away from Middlebury along the New Haven River and discovered a clearing with 15 to 20 mutilated, dismembered dogs. The students, Matt and Michael, who requested their full names not be disclosed, immediately ...

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