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Friday, Mar 14, 2025

Elizabeth Zhou

The Setonian

Gun Violence Is a Product of Social Illness, Not Mental Illness

We’re all tired of talking about gun violence at this point, maybe because the shooting in Parkland, Florida a few weeks ago marked the sixth time that The Onion has published its morbidly titled article, ‘‘‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.” The statistics ...


Special Feature: Mindfulness Efforts on Campus

Designed by Erin Kelly It is near impossible to talk about stress on college campuses without also encountering the term “mindfulness.” Among the biggest buzzwords circulating mainstream media and higher education these days, mindfulness refers to a state of mind, a mode of interacting with the ...


Students Navigate Misconceptions and Challenges of Veganism

The word “veganism” has the power to elicit eye-rolls, approving nods, or looks of utter confusion. Some view the vegan lifestyle as a pretentious fad, an overly ambitious and misguided attempt to save the world. Others admire the morality of it all, but consider the elimination of animal products ...


Jewish Students Welcome New Year, School Year

The Jewish community on campus and in town will observe Rosh Hashanah, a two-day celebration of the Jewish New Year from Sept. 20 to 22. Rosh Hashanah falls on the first day of Tishrei, which is a month in the Jewish calendar, and, like all Jewish holidays, it falls on a different day on the secular ...

Arts & Culture

Vermont Land Trust Responds to Community Needs

What is the link between rural spaces and urban communities, and what relevance does this hold for social justice and sustainability work today? As globalization takes hold in ever more remote corners of the world, the relationship between people and places once perceived as wholly separate entities ...

Arts & Culture

Interview with Melian Radu '13

Among the attendees of the first ever Feminist Alumnx Retreat this weekend was Melian Radu ’13, a former English and American Literatures major with a focus in Creative Writing and a Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies and Sociology minor. A recent MFA graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, ...

Arts & Culture

Professor Examines Failure of Drug Policy

Anyone who has ever taken a sociology class is all too familiar with the idea of social constructs. Conversely, anyone enrolled in a science class has likely encountered their fair share of “objective truths” -- facts so ingrained in the public consciousness that they do not even warrant questioning. ...

Arts & Culture

Keynote Speaker Unpacks Mindfulness

What is mindfulness, and why does everyone keep talking about it? These two basic questions served as the focal point of this year’s Clifford Symposium, entitled “Fully Present: The Art and Science of Mindful Engagement.” Last Thursday, Sep. 22, the College hosted Amishi Jha, an associate professor ...

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