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Friday, Dec 27, 2024

Sex Panther


Arousal Non-Concordance

This discrepancy between your emotional or cognitive desires and your body’s physiological response has a name: arousal non-concordance. Most people who have done any sort of exploration into their sexuality have likely come across some sort of arousal non-concordance, potentially causing them to ...


Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it

What do you think of when you hear the phrase BDSM? How about kink? Maybe you think about handcuffs, feathers, role-play and Fifty Shades of Grey-type sex. Or maybe you think of Rihanna’s song “S&M,” and maybe now I’ve gotten that song stuck in your head. But I’m here to tell you the BDSM ...


Sex Panther: Navigating Midd Tinder

We’ve all been there. Literally, all of us have been stuck quarantined in our rooms. It can get pretty boring. And lonely. So it is only natural to download Tinder, right? I mean, it’s a pandemic. If class is online, I guess my romantic life will be, too. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented ...


Sex Panther: The sexy side of Phase Two

Hey MiddKids! I’m back just in time to answer all the Covid-19-related sex questions you didn’t even know you had. There’s nothing like six months with your parents and siblings to prepare you for the new and strange social landscape that is this semester. Navigating our social lives in college ...


What is love (at Middlebury)?

"I reached out to a few senior friends and asked them to answer a couple questions: how they defined love at Middlebury, if there was anything they wish they had realized sooner or done differently with regard to love during college, and when they felt most loved at Middlebury. "


Taking sex off the table

By choosing to not have sex, even though that was clearly his expectation for the night, she felt that she had messed up her chance to be with him.

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