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Sunday, Mar 16, 2025

Travis Sanderson

The Setonian

An Open Letter to the Political Science Department

The American Enterprise Institute has been joined by the Political Science department in co-sponsoring Charles Murray. Murray is most well-known for arguing that societal hierarchy is based on intelligence. The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled him a “white nationalist” who misuses statistics ...

The Setonian

A Report from the Capital

“Now don’t go getting sentimental!” I continued chopping — onion, after onion, after onion. It was the first day of MAlt DC, a trip to “explore the ethics of inequality in the capital of one of the wealthiest nations in world history,” as our tag-line (primarily used to fundraise from doting ...

The Setonian

My Case for Affirmative Action

To the generally privileged, poverty is incomprehensible. People of privilege, with pale skin and/or free vacations and/or “intellectual conversation” — which is almost always defined by conformity to the standard of the privileged class — cannot understand how central poverty, or social disadvantage, ...

The Setonian

Middlebury is Not a Charity

“Middlebury is not a charity.” Critics of Go/Refuge, the movement for the College to take an active role in the world refugee crisis, have presented this argument. The criticism, though not yet fully elaborated, seems to base itself on the idea that an institution of higher education’s only obligation ...

The Setonian


Three weeks ago, I called for Middlebury to take action in combating the Syrian refugee crisis. While President Patton’s administration has not yet acknowledged this, both our community and the wider higher education community have. Last week, Jeff Holland ’19 wrote an op-ed publicly supporting ...

The Setonian

A Call for Conscience

12,000,000 Syrians have fled their homes. A third have become refugees. Photographs of children’s corpses in Greece have surfaced, as have images of the terrible conditions of camps in the Middle East and Europe. The latter has scrambled to cope with the influx. Hungary and Slovakia have shut their ...

The Setonian

Remembering Debs

Last Thursday, film enthusiasts and our friends across the pond celebrated Guy Fawkes. He wasn’t the greatest guy to grace the planet, nor was he particularly successful in his endeavor to blow up government. But he became iconic. He’s a symbol for resisting government oppression; thus, he’s especially ...

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