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Friday, Mar 21, 2025

Will Henriques

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Let's Think a Little Harder About GMOs

The Olympic conversation at lunch the other day turned to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Someone mentioned that Russia is attempting to ban GMOs outright (check out the Feb. 3 article on the Russian news site RT under the headline “Total ban on GMO food production mulled in Russia”). There ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Science and Society

When I told a friend that I would be taking Studio Art over J-term at dinner in November, she laughed and warned me that the final projects would be a challenge. I snorted with derision. Studio Art wasn’t a science class; so how difficult could it be, really? Pride comes before the fall. I just got ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Science and Society

“Human beings in a mob / What’s a mob to a king? / What’s a king to a god? / What’s a god to a non-believer who don’t believe in anything?” The haunting Frank Ocean hook in “No Church in the Wild” from Watch the Throne played through my head as I read Jennifer Couzin-Frankel’s article, ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Science and Society

This summer I had the opportunity to be part of an interdisciplinary research team trying to build an automated biosensor to detect aromatic hydrocarbons in the water supply. As a rising sophomore, I had never done research before, and had only just declared myself a molecular biology and biochemistry  ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Science and Society: Scientific Literacy in America

How scientifically literate are you? That could depend on your politics, according to a recent analysis conducted by the Yale Law School and Psychology Professor Dan M. Kahan ’86. John Bohannon published an article in Science Insider last Wednesday, Oct. 23 about a controversy ignited by a recent ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Science and Society

“Are Our Political Beliefs Encoded in Our DNA?” Surrounded by news of the government shutdown, Iranian negotiations and Obamacare, this was the headline that caught my eye as I scanned the New York Times headlines.  I think it was the jarring association of the two phrases, “political beliefs” ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Exploring the Role of the NSA in Scientific Research

On Sept. 7, Joe Kloc wrote on The Daily Dot about the New York Times’ coverage of recent revelations about the National Security Agency’s (NSA) access to online banking records. “If in fact the agency did crack the encryption schemes used for bank transactions (the Times is somewhat unclear ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Science Spotlight: Increasing Interest in Science

With school back in session, the student tides across campus have returned. The hushed conversations and echoing footsteps in the Tormondsen Great Hall of McCardell Bicentennial Hall rapidly build into a crescendo of babbling voices as students flood out of classrooms between class periods. Just as ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Science Spotlight: Summer Research

Soon the campus will empty. Dorm rooms will be stripped down and cleared out, cars will be packed, Commencement caps will fly in the air and the academic year will be done. The custodial staff will busy themselves scrubbing the campus from top to bottom, and then Language Schools will open their doors. ...

The Setonian
Arts & Culture

Science Spotlight: Liberal Arts Lags in Science

I was browsing the Sites Dot Middlebury blog, “Core and Change in the Liberal Arts,” — an online hub for this conversation on campus — and I noticed that there has been no conversation about science requirements on campus, despite the proposed discussion topic. Well, I would like to weigh into ...

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