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Saturday, Nov 30, 2024

Zane Anthony

The Setonian

Use Tact Next Time

I face lingering disappointment after re-reading Katrina Drury’s piece “I’m Only Human,” published on Feb. 18. On the other side of the fold, a column over, Laurie Patton offers timely, levelheaded comments on the much-discussed Texas Supreme Court case, which questions the role of race in college ...

The Setonian

Reimagining Environmentalism

Circa-2002 environmentalism begged for more bikers, lower thermostats and less polystyrene. The jets of today’s movement make a braver thunder: they hinge on justice. A decade ago, your shopping-mall forays, half-hour showers and globe-trotting airfare was under scrutiny, but now are your ears, which ...


The View From My Desk

Terracotta hexagons tessellate the floors at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Washington D.C., where I intern. Soles pat, dignified, across them as agents flood in and out of the aisles office to office, a loose collared dance. My desk, flush with the copier, features an Escher print, a portrait ...

The Setonian

Students Participate in Global Climate March

Over 160 energized Middlebury students, alumni and faculty descended upon the streets of New York on Sunday, joining 311,000 others at the People’s Climate March, a historic climate rally that wound a three-mile, six-hour course through Manhattan. Hundreds of thousands of people both in New York City ...

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